Welcome to Year 5 2018-19

Year 5 Class Page

Welcome to our Year 5 class page. We hope that this page will give you lots of useful information about what we will be doing over the year.

Mrs Latif is the class teacher in class 7 from Monday to Thursday and Mrs Brierley is the Class teacher in class 7 on a Friday. Miss Bradley is the class teacher in class 8 and Miss Hickling is the class teacher in Class 9.

Our teaching assistants are: Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Akhtar in class 7, Mrs Cookson in class 8 and Miss Shena in class 9.

This term our topic is Mountains. Please see our Autumn term newsletter below for further information about the children’s learning. 

Year 5 Summer 2 Newsletter

Brain builder Ancient Greece

Here are the documents required for the three groups

AncientGreece G1

AncientGreece G2

AncientGreece G3

and ticklists if you need them

AG Ticklist G1 AG TickList G2 AG TickList G3



We had some Viking visit us! Look at what we got up to…

Class 8 – Great Science Share

Look at Class 8’s fantastic experiment for the Great Science Share!

Anne Frank – June 2019

We watched the Anne Frank documentary to celebrate what would have been her birthday.
If you’d like to watch what we watched go here:

Getting ready for Year 6

In Year 5 we’re working hard to get ready for Year 6. Here’s some of our Maths work…

Freddy Fit

Year 5 took part in Freddie Fit – Here’s some pictures of Class 7 and Class 9 taking part.

Greek theatre masks – 20th -23rd May 2019

Year 5 have been making Greek Theatre masks. Watch the process from building the face with newspaper, to putting the modroc, to painting them with our Greek designs!

We Love Manchester display

Year 5 made bees for our whole school We Love Manchester display


In Year 5 we have been writing Myths – Take a look at our shared writing.

Science – friction

Here are some photos from our Year 5 Friction Science. Class 9 really enjoyed testing the toy cars on different surfaces in the playground.

Careers fair

Year 5 attended the careers fair last half term. The event was features in the Oldham Chronicle and the behaviour of our children was praised during the event. We look forward to revisiting next year.


Greeks – May 2019

Past Productions came to visit Year 5 as part of their Greek topic. We took part in myth writing workshops, learnt about democracy, saw a fantastic mythical play, and recreated the events of those myths in drama. We had a competition, guessing which myth the freeze frames came from.

3D Shapes – May 2019
Miss Khatun’s Maths group have been working on 3D shapes and constructing them
Peak Cavern – April 2019

Here’s some pictures of us visiting Peak Cavern!

Decimals and fractions – April 2019

Year 5 have been working on partioning decimal numbers and converting fractions to decimals. Here’s some pictures!

Sun-Catchers April 2019

Year 5 made suncatchers to try and pick up the colours of the lovely summer weather!

National Parks Topic
Year 5 have been designing and making tents as part of their National Parks topic. Here was us making our models with art straws and tissue paper.
Internationally Women’s Day – 7th March

Our Year 5 girls had a think about the achievements as women and girls. They came up with some fantastic things that they can do because they are strong girls. We had our international womens day assembly last week. #BalanceIsBetter #IWD2019

Cressida Cowell Live Stream – 6th March

Class 9 got to speak to Cressida Cowell on live stream thanks to @SkypeClassoom and #Skype2learn. It was a fantastic experience. We learnt how to draw the main characters and got to ask her questions. Thanks for this wonderful experience @SkypeClassroom.

Starjik Drama – Ice palace

We have been reading The Ice Palace by Robert Swindell. We have started to focus on the villain in the story Starjik, and what he’d think of Ivan’s journey. He wasn’t very nice about it….

[vimeo 321942984 w=640 h=360] [vimeo 321943323 w=640 h=360]

Ice Palace 5th March 2019

Here’s some of our work on The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells. We have completed concience alleys, acted out the story, freeze frames, and used the Now Press Play to help us make predictions on what will happen to Ivan!

Healthy Me

Year 5 are learning about Healthy Me this half term, including the effects of drinking and smoking on the body. Here were our thoughts on the effects of these two things on your bodies.

We also watched this video to help us understand the effects of alcohol

Class 9 Potatos – 5th March 2019

Here are photos of Class 9’s potatos.

Robots – 28th February 2019

Year 5 got to play with Robots in PPA last week as our PE teacher wasn’t in. We had a fantastic afternoon.

[vimeo 321937946 w=640 h=360]

Buddhist Temple visit – 14th February 2019

Year 5 went to visit the Buddhist Temple in Brooklands. We met a Buddhist Monk and learnt about what he does. We also learnt more about the Buddhist religion. Here were some of the childrens comments from the trip:
Amaan – “I enjoyed asking the monk questions about what he does.”
Huzaifah – “I enjoyed visiting the temple and listening to the monk.”
Hafsah – “I enjoyed drawing picture of the things in the tmple.”
Mehak – “I enjoyed listening to the monk telling us about Buddah and look for the things in the temple.”
Huriyah -I enjoyed seeing the Buddha statue up close.”

Wire Birds

Year 5 have been making wire birds as part of our topic. We first sketched lots of birds and their feathers, then today we have used wire and tissue paper to create collages of birds in flight. We’ll share our finished results soon!

Fun in the Snow – 30th January 2019

Oldham Zen Buddhist Meditation Centre

Below are some photographs from our Year 5 visit with Oldham Zen Buddhist Meditation Centre. They came in to see us to talk to us about Buddhism and why Buddhists meditate. We had a go at some meditation. The children really enjoyed finding their ‘zone’ and making sure they weren’t distracted by the ‘Monkey Mind’. They thought about the wheel of life, and what the different emotions you would feel are. They heard the story of the Man and His Ox, and how when he was in the Greedy Realm he beat his ox friend, and how he had to learn to be nice again.


Christian Aid.

Year 5 have had Christian Aid come to visit them this week to help answer their big question “If there is a God, why do people suffer?” Alan Beedie came in and spoke to all of year 5 about the work Christian Aid does, and why it is important to help others. He then encouraged them to think about their own beliefs and thoughts surrounding the subject.
“It’s been a fantastic day with Alan. The children have been really engaged thinking about suffering in the world and reasons why it happens. They have been really mature. Thank you to Christian Aid for a fantastic day.” Samantha Nicholson-Hickling.
The question is part of a wider unit called Life’s Big Questions, whereby the children are encouraged to think about their own beliefs alongside those of other religions, to develop an understanding of the things in life we can not answer e.g. what happens after we die, is there life out there in Space, why do people have belief.

Rocket World Visits Alexandra Park

Can’t go to the country? Well bring the country to you! Rocket World bring visitors from around the world to visit schools around the country. Yesterday they came to Alexandra Park to help Y5 as part of their celebrating differance PSHE topic.

PSHE co-ordinator Samantha Nicholson-Hickling said “I’ve seen them work in lots off school and they never disappoint. The children are really engaged with the visitors and love learning about the different cultures. Thank you so much for providing this service as it allows the children to jet around the world, while staying in the comfort of their classroom.”

Year 5 pupil Zulaikha Ali said “I loved it! I loved collecting the stickers and trying lots of different activities. I learnt lots about Malaysia and Pakistan and all the other countries we had.”

Crime Scene

Hi! Here’s some photos from our crime scene lesson today – Mrs Wainrights keyboard was stolen and someone was to blame. We had to work out who.

Dissecting Flowers

On January 21st 2019, Y5 dissected flowers to learn to reproductive parts of the flower

Please find attached below the brain builder for year 5’s this half term. Added 23/10/2018.

Space TickList 1 stars

Space TickList 2 stars

Space TickList 3 stars

1 stars

2 stars

3 stars



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