Welcome to the ‘THINK TANK’ virtual page!
Positive Mental Health is a state of mind where a person can manage stress, anxiety and emotions and recover from challenging situations.
Some signs of positive mental health include:
- Feeling in control of your life and decisions
- Being able to cope with life’s challenges
- Feeling optimistic about life events
- Feeling physically healthy
- Getting enough sleep
- Feeling like you belong to your community
- Feeling calm or content
- Being peaceful
- Accepting of yourself
- Feeling valued by others
What do I do if I need some support?
Sometimes, we may need a little time to look after our wellbeing. This could be talking to some one or completing an activity.
Activities I can try:
Calming Circles Technique
How it Helps: This activity encourages children to think about the feel and shape of what they want to draw, whilst concentrating on their breathing. Thinking about how the movements feel provides centring and grounding in the body, which can be helpful when feeling anxious. This activity also helps children understand control by thinking about what they can and cannot control.
Materials: A piece of paper, pens, coloured pencils or crayons
- When you’re doing this activity try not to worry about how your drawing is going to look.
- Close your eyes, take some nice deep breaths and imagine what you are going to draw.
- Take your pen or pencil and start to draw a circle onto the page. Try and fill the page, don’t worry about how straight your line is.
- Fill your circle with a pattern or you could keep going over your circle. Just try not to let your pen leave the page.
- Make sure to relax and concentrate on your breathing.
- Once you have finished you can colour it in.
You could speak to your class teacher or Miss Thompson if you need someone to talk to in school.
Outside help:
NSPCC Helpline