More about our Governors

More info about our Governors

Peter Widall

Co-opted Governor (Chair of Governors)

Date of appointment:
Term of office: 1/4/2024 – 13/10/2027
Appointed by:
Board of Trustees
I am currently the Chair of Governors at Alexandra Park Junior School and have been a school Governor for twenty years and Chair for the last six years. Before I came to Alexandra Park, I was a Governor at St. Agnes C.E. Primary School in Lees. In previous years, I have been the Group Scout Leader for the 10th Oldham Scout Group, a member of the Parochial Church Council and for several years sat on the Henshaw Educational Trust.

My current responsibility is Justice of the Peace for Greater Manchester, serving both on the adult and youth benches.

My other interests include being an Oldham Athletic Football Club supporter for 45 years and previously played football, cricket, badminton, tennis and squash (mostly poorly), but to taking part is the most important thing.

Alexandra Park Junior School is a warm and welcoming place and even after all these years, I still get that warm feeling when I come into this wonderful school. It is a very special place where children enjoy coming and are eager to learn, but Alex Park is so much more than that. It’s a community and a very vibrant one at that, with a terrific staff who focus on providing the best learning environment that they can. It is clear that the children enjoy their learning, thriving and growing to achieve their very best. It is a privilege for me to play a small part in the life of the school.

I believe that education is for life and that a broad education is an important start for a child. Not all children will be academic, but a broad education will help develop the child to become a well-rounded citizen with confidence, self esteem and will play an important part of our community.

Jenny Harrison

Co-opted Governor (Vice Chair)

Date of appointment: 1/4/2024
Term of office: 1/4/2024 – 2/10/2024
Appointed by:
Board of Trustees
Jenny has been a governor at Alexandra Park Junior School since 2021 and is currently Vice Chair. Jenny spent 35 years as a primary school teacher and senior manager and six years in residential care and family centre work with National Children’s Home. Jenny was also a Councillor for Alexandra Ward in Oldham from 2011-2024.

Jenny Seabright

Principal / Ex-officio Governor


Date of appointment: 1/4/2024
Appointed by:
Board of Trustees

Ian Walsh

Co-opted Governor

Date of appointment: 1/4/2024
Term of Office: 1/4/2024 – 29/6/2025
Appointed by:
Board of Trustees
Ian worked as a teacher for over forty years and most recently as a Primary school headteacher in Oldham for twenty-seven years. He has served as a Governor of Alexandra Park since 2021

Since leaving headship Ian continues to be involved in education and  co-chairs the Oldham Alliance of Primary Headteachers and Principals. He is also a Trustee of a local Multi Academy Trust and currently an elected local official of the National Association of Headteachers.

Jane Wells

Co-opted Governor

Date of appointment:
Term of Office: 1/4/2024 – 18/01/2026
Appointed by:
Board of Trustees

Sabaa Rashid

Co-opted Governor

Date of appointment: 1/4/2024
Term of Office: 1/4/2024 – 7/3/2027
Appointed by:
Board of Trustees
Sabba has been serving as a co-opted governor since March 2023. Having resided in Oldham for most of her life, she has always aimed to contribute meaningfully to her community, with a particular focus on children who she believes are at the heart of our community. Sabaa’s academic background includes studying Law at both degree and master’s levels, and she is currently working towards a career as a barrister.
Throughout her educational journey and whilst taking a break from her studies, Sabba engaged with several schools in Oldham, specifically working with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and gaining experience in supervising entire classes on multiple occasions. She is dedicated to leveraging her expertise to effect positive change within our education system.

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