Welcome to Year 6 2021-22

Year 6 Class Page

Welcome to Year 6 class page.

In year five the classes are: class ten, class eleven and class twelve.
The year six team are:

Class 10: Mr Hamill and Mrs Khan
Class 11: Miss Akhtar and Mrs Stockton
Class: 12: Mrs Heywood, Mrs Ullah and Miss Rahat
We also have Mrs Griffin working in Year 6 supporting some children.

This half term we are learning all about crime and punishment throughout history.

  • In History we are learning what has changed in Crime and punishment from Roman times up until the modern age with a specific focus on the Anglo Saxon period and its impact on the systems we use today. We are hoping to visit the Greater Manchester Police Museum in Bolton as part of this topic.
  • In Science we are looking at electrical circuits.
  • In English we will be writing our own Newscript, Balanced Argument and a Persuaive speech for Dragon’s Den.
  • In Maths we will beworking on mulitplication and division as well as fractions.
  • In Design and Technology we will be making our own electrical system buzzer game to use for our Dragon’s Den project.
  • In PSHE we will be learning about relationships.

Please read for key information about what to expect in Year 6 for your child.

Year 6 parents meeting 2021

Here is our latest Year Group Newsletter

Year 6 Newsletter – Autumn 2

We also had our residential trip which everyone enjoyed. Watch the video below

[vimeo 629150335 w=640 h=360]

National Police Museum – 13th December 2021

On Monday 29th November and Monday 13th December Year 6 visited the National Police Museum in Manchester. This was part of our Crime and Punishment topic. We learned all about how the police force came to be, how it has changed over the last century and even reenacted a Victorian trial.

Manchester International Festival
‘Walk with Amal’ project wb 18th October

We had a visitor called Magdilin who came to visit year 6 and undertake a workshop linked to their RE topic Ihow and why do some people inspire others?) She went through with them what refugee means, how and why people become refugees. The children learned how they could help and support different organisations so refugees could live a life free from justice and poverty. They took part in different drama actiivites where they had to work in a group and create different forms of transport that refugees could use.

Woodland Sprites

The Year 6 children enjoyed a trip to the park to create their very own Woodland Sprites. With the guidance of a local artist, the children collected natural resources from their surroundings and used these and some natural clay to bring to life the creatures they had researched and designed in class. A lot of fun was had and it was fantastic to see Year 6 be so creative!

Meet our Head/Deputy boys and girls!

At the start of term teachers received applications from those wanting to be Head boy or girl. Teachers chose the best applications and those children presented their speech to the whole of Year 6. The year 6 children then voted for who they wanted to reprpesent them as Head Boy and Girl. Deputies were also chosen in this deocratic way.

Head Boy

My name is Momin Assad and I am in in class 12. My favourite subject at school is Computing. As head boy I would like to help students at our school.



Head Girl

My name is Zoya Iqbal, I am 10 and in class 10. I enjoy sports and food, also I love being outdoors and going on rides. I would bring to the team more bake sales and I would add more after school clubs.


Deputy Head Boy

My name is Hassan Arif, I am in class 10. I like playing football with my friends and reading comics. I would want to improve the school and help anyone who needs it.


Deputy Head Girl

My name is Ameera and I am in class 12. My favourite subject is English. I like colouring and helping people. I would like to help others if they have any worries or concerns.



Scientic survey workshop 6th Oct

On Wednesday 6th October, Y6 took part in scientific survey workshops with Charley Halliwell, a visiting lecturer from Askham Bryan Land-based Studies College near York. Eager to find out more about the invertebrate biodiversity we have in the environment surrounding school, they used various scientific surveying and collection techniques (E.g. sweep-netting, beat netting, quadrant surveying) to collect specimens, before using ‘pooters’ to examine them more closely. They were then able to use the classification skills learned this term, to group the organisms, according to their different characteristics.


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