MPHW – Pupils

Welcome to ‘The Think Tank’ virtual page!


In these difficult times it can be confusing and difficult to understand your feelings. The Pastoral team are always on hand to help talk through any problems. At the moment while we are not in school you could talk to your parents, brothers or sisters. If you feel you need to talk to someone you can also call ChildLine or the NSPCC. They are trained to help support children with their worries and concerns.







Keeping our mind and body healthy and happy

It is difficult for us all at the moment because we are not in school with our friends and we are not able to get out to see our friends and extended family.

Each week, Mrs Seabright will be doing a whole school assembly and will be celebrating the learning taking place both in school and at home. Every Monday, she will be sharing a Cosmic Yoga activity for you to complete with your families.

Below are tasks that you can also complete as part of taking care of your wellbeing.


Yoga Cards


mindfulness-colouring 1-7

mindfulness-colouring 8-14







Daily Mile

Although we are not in school, you could still challenge your self to the daily mile. Go for a walk with everyone in your household. Remember to keep your distance from others and not meet anyone on tour walk. If you have a pedometer take a picture and send it to us via Twitter or Class Dojo. Who will get the most steps in?




Beat the Teacher

Don’t forget to challenge Mr Clarke in his weekly challenges on Twitter @Alexpark_sch

Share your videos with us. Who will beat Mr Clarke?




Mindfulness is slowing right down and paying full attention to one thing. In our busy day of learning we sometimes forget to do this.

Here are some mindfulness activities for you to do.

Remember to take some time each day to complete mindfulness and wellbeing tasks.





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